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Solid Waste Rates

Rates effective June 16th, 2018 and thereafter:

Residential Rates

  • Basic fee of $11.51 per month per household for garbage pickup  
  • Basic fee of $11.63 per month per household for landfill fees. 
    • Included in the basic fee is a limit of two garbage bags. 
    • All garbage must be in a garbage bag. 
    • Garbage bags exceeding the two-bag limit must have a City of Laurens garbage sticker applied to it. The stickers are available from City Hall for $1.00 fee per sticker. 
    • All garbage not in a garbage bag must have a stick or stickers applied to it at a rate set by the City. 
    • The maximum capacity of the garbage bag shall not exceed 33 gallons, and no filled bag shall exceed 75 pounds of weight. 
    • Garbage bags exceeding the two-bag limit which do not have a City sticker applied to them or which weigh more than 75 pounds will not be picked up.

Commercial Rates

The monthly garbage fees for commercial facilities are as follows:

One dumpster – 1 pickup per week$33.42
Two dumpsters – 1 pickup per week$52.51
Three dumpsters – 1 pickup per week$71.60
Four dumpsters – 1 pickup per week$105.01
Five dumpsters – 1 pickup per week$124.12
Light Commercial Rate (single pickup per week with no dumpsters)  $28.64

Multiple pickups per week will be the single pickup rate multiplied by the table listed below:

2 pickups per week= number of dumpsters multiplied by 1.5
3 pickups per week= number of dumpsters multiplied by 2
4 pickups per week= number of dumpsters multiplied by 2.25
  • All commercial businesses on file in the office of the Clerk shall pay monthly to the City a landfill fee in the minimum amount of $20.03 or $0.08 per pound for weights over 218 pounds. The per-pound rate and the minimum charge will be adjusted proportionally to the rate established by the County Solid Waste Commission.
  • The landfill rate computed for each quarter shall be based on previous quarter’s weighing. The only exception to this rule is if the City or the business requests a weighing of the garbage on or about the day of pickup.  Records of each weighing shall be maintained.
  • In the event of a vacancy of a business, the minimum landfill fee of $19.46 shall be assessed.  If the utilities of water and electricity for any business are disconnected and garbage receptacles are removed, then no fee shall be assessed for that business place.

Commercial Recycling & E-Waste

Rates effective May 16th, 2018 and thereafter:

Cardboard Recycling For Commercial Facilities:

  • Minimum pickup – $7.50 per month
  • Weekly pickup – $18.00 per month
  • Multi pickup (stops or dumpsters) – $25.00 per month

Garbage & Landfill Fees

In the event water and electricity services are connected, both garbage and landfill fees apply with the following exemptions: Commercial non-users will be charged at a rate of $5 per month.

  • Unoccupied residential users will be charged at a rate of $5 per month with no garbage charge.  
  • Apartment complexes of less than 8 will be at the rate of $30 per month.
  • Apartment complexes of 8 or more will be at the rate of $60 per month.  

E-Waste Recycling

Stickers for e-waste recycling will be as follows at the rate of $5 per sticker:

  • up to 13” – 3 stickers 
  • 14” – 26” – 4 stickers
  • 27” and up – 5 stickers
  • Computer monitors – 3 stickers 
  • Other electronics – 2  stickers

Appliances such as freezers, washers, dryers, microwaves, stoves are at the rate of $10.

Solid Waste Superintendent

Ben Zylstra

Solid Waste Superintendent since 2024

Cell Phone: 712-450-0290